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RVM 有許多選項,但有許多預設值,旨在讓命令列 API 更為「自然」。

rvm help

RVM 一般使用 API

rvm [action] [interpreter] [options]


use       - setup current shell to use a specific ruby version
          - when used as an action it is a silent 'use'
reset     - remove default and current settings, exit the shell.
info      - show information for current ruby
list      - show currently installed versions
reload    - reload RVM source itself (useful after changing RVM source)
implode   - removes all ruby installations it manages, everything in ~/.rvm
get       - {stable,head} upgrades RVM to the stable or git head branches.
do        - runs a named ruby file against specified and/or all rubies

install   - install one or many ruby versions
upgrade   - install new ruby, copy gemsets, make gems pristine, remove old ruby
reinstall - remove ruby, install it, make gems pristine
uninstall - uninstall one or many ruby versions, leaves their sources
remove    - uninstall one or many ruby versions and remove their sources

其中 [直譯器] 為下列其中之一

ruby      - MRI/YARV Ruby (The Standard), defaults to 1.8.6
jruby     - JRuby
rbx       - rubinius
ree       - ruby Enterprise Edition
system    - use the system ruby (eg. pre-RVM state)
default   - use RVM set default ruby and system if it hasn't been set.


rvm list

其中 [選項] 為下列其中之一

-v|--version  - Emit RVM version loaded for current shell
-h|--help     - Emit this output and exit
--default     - when used with ruby selection, sets a default ruby for new shells.
--debug       - Toggle debug mode on for very verbose output.
--force       - Force install, removes old install & source before install.
--all         - Used with 'rvm list' to display 'most' available versions.
--summary     - Used with 'do' to print out a summary of the commands run.
--with*       - Forwarded to `./configure`
-C            - custom configure options, comma separated, double quote
                args that need quoting, default: --enable-shared=true
